About us

IPT is an Italian company, based in Ferrara, founded in 2013 by professionals with vast experience in the fields of chemistry and petrochemistry and in assistance operations for the construction of plants, as well as for the start-up of the plants themselves. Together with the staff of engineers, chemists, technicians and consultants, IPT's wealth lies largely in human capital and in the international network of partnerships developed over the years of collaborations.

Innovative technologies and research are the basis of our company, necessary for the engineering of chemical and petrochemical industrial plants. Technology transfer is a complete service that includes market research, practical and theoretical know-how related to technology, supplier auditing, personnel training at the customer site, quality certification and product commercialization. The philosophy of the IPT team is based on cooperation and progress, to better face future challenges with responsibility and competence.

Research is the projection towards the future of a company willing to grow, so that in IPT s.r.l, Research and Development (R&D) department is the core of our technology development. We are committed to invest in research and experimental tests dedicated to develop and commercialize novel technologies with the aim to introduce Best Available Technologies (BAT) to customers and market. Relying on laboratories, pilot plants, and highly experienced researchers and scientists in chemical and petrochemical fields, IPT generates breakthrough innovative solutions, as well as improvement of existing processes driven by process optimization, energy and feedstock efficiency, environmental codes fulfilment, simplification of the operation, investment and production costs reduction and product quality accomplishment. IPT positively interacts with universities, research institutions, and its partners to employ the existing skills and facilities. In rubber synthesis, formulation, and compounding, IPT R&D department cooperates with “Dott. Viola & Partners Chemical Research s.r.l.” one of the pioneers of rubber science worldwide. All R&D and technology services of IPT could be offered professionally proportional to the needs of the industries.
No matter the technology is traditional or futuristic, IPT engineering shall provide a state-of-the-art development that is grounded in the interdisciplinary approach. No matter the production is a commodity or a specialty, IPT working group shall collect decades of field experience.

Notwithstanding the project is starting from experimental research or process design, IPT philosophy shall communicate effectively and appropriately with people of other cultures. The knowledge society we participate is devised for empowering people and generations. Learning-by-doing accompanies the technological development and transfer carried out by our Company, so to purposely include pragmatic expertise.

IPT sprouts from an Italian – Asian agreement, with the intent to think global and act local. Indeed our Company gathers information on the international market from a large web of relations, to apply locally convenient and sustainable engineering solutions.
IPT integrated services assist the customers to carry out a broad range of necessities, starting from the study of the technology, going to the process engineering, ending with the product applications. IPT main sectors are applied research and technology transfer.

The Company is committed to the development of industrial projects, in the field of chemistry, petrochemistry and more. The industrial plants design carried out by IPT is guaranteed by the long-serving professional experiences grown within the western petrochemical plants, as well as in the academic institution in Italy.

Technology transfer is a complex activity that includes process design in accordance with the customer requirements and international codes; the collaboration with the customer technical and project staff is customary and recommended, in order to unravel the most significant issues. IPT thus guarantees the project coordination and management for the accomplishment of the industrial initiative. Communication strategy is necessary to help the common advancement in the process design, but also in the training of the resident personnel at customer’s site. The certification of the vendors of equipment, machinery, raw materials is also a vital step for the success of the project that is assisted all the way through.

Finally, the start-up and operation management during the initial phases of the production is the topmost occasion for the transfer of competencies and thus it is essential for the quality of product and process. Applied research is composed by intellectual property analyses and experimental research on the selected technologies (R&T). These activities allow together to confine precisely and effectively the areas of interest, so to appraise the development work and make it profitable for the customer’s needs.

International presence

IPT quality and excellence in providing technological solutions are recognized internationally.

We are proud that our advanced processes are present around the globe through cooperation with reputable clients.

Field of activity

International Petrochemical Technologies Srl (IPT) operates in the fields of Technology and Plant Development: